Introducing Technology Education Camps.....
The REBar Camp concept is hot right now because many REALTORS® have become complacent with the standard classroom learning environment with an instructor going through a PowerPoint presentation (not consuming alcohol
). Many REALTORS® have voiced that they would rather attend an EVENT and just learn.
Well, TEC Camp attendees, much like REBar Camp attendees love the experience because they are:
• Fun and Informal • Engaging • Interactive • Laid Back
• Informative • Collaborative • Unstructured
Your members dictate the topics they want to learn the day of the event!
Well, seeing as Craig Grant is so well rounded on all aspects of technology, he is able to handle any topic your members' throw at him and bring the excitement of this craze to your market all by himself!
In fact, check out some strong testimonial/endorsement below from Linda Hitchcock the former education director of the Orlando Regional Regional Association and many of her members had to say about the Beach Themed TEC Event we did at ORRA (pictures of the event & examples of promotional flyers below as well).
So as an organizer, you don't have to worry about selecting topics, coordinating multiple speakers from all over the country to come in, etc.
You can just hire Craig and then have fun promoting the Ultimate One Day Tech Learning Event party event (we can of course help you with this if you want to go all in with a theme, badges, shirts, etc.).If you have any questions, feel free to contact Craig for details!